Put successful strategies to work and unleash new potential across industries.
Market challenges are growing everywhere. Demographic change has left nearly every industry suffering from the shortage of skilled workers.
Energy suppliers must operate their conventional or renewable energy plants even more efficiently and economically in order to respond to increasingly volatile energy markets and the constant pressure to minimize costs.
As the worldwide trend toward urbanization continues, utility grid operators face a new and enormous challenge: they must find cost-effective ways to maintain their grids while systematically expanding them.
Wide-ranging consumer demand means manufacturers increasingly need highly flexible production processes to accommodate single lot sizes and to address the trend toward increasing complexity in production.
These are just a few examples of the steady stream of new requirements all industries in all sectors are facing every day.
SI®/PAM is a tried-and-tested, cross-industry solution designed to increase the efficiency of your operations and to help you complete highly complex tasks, so you can develop the needed strategies to better face the challenges of today and tomorrow.